Natasha Tynes

Position: Online (USA)
Categories: Our Teachers

NatashaTynes is a Jordanian-American author, journalist, and educator based in Maryland, USA. In addition to being a regular contributor to a number of prominent publications from across the US and Middle East such as The Washington Post, Nature Magazine, Elle Magazine, Esquire magazine, Aljazeera, The New Arab and The National, she hosts the podcast, Read and Write with Natasha, where she chats with authors, publishers, and book marketers from around the world.

Natasha holds a Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences from the University of Jordan and MA in International Journalism from the University of London. She is particularly passionate for the Arabic language, especially when it comes to children’s education, and joined the Kalamna team in 2023 as an online teacher for students based in the USA and Canada.

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