A faster and easier way for learning to read Arabic!

The Kalamna Phonics™ toolkit is all students need to make a smooth transition from Arabic speakers to Arabic readers.

The Kalamna Phonics™ Toolkit


The Kalamna Phonics™ toolkit is an educational resource that revolutionises the way through which Arabic is taught and learned. The first of its kind, the toolkit consists of 350 flashcards and 10 readers across five levels, the toolkit’s components together form a comprehensive resource that supports the early stages of a child’s formal Arabic language learning journey.

Created by Saussan Khalil PhD, professor of Arabic at Cambridge University, the Kalamna Phonics™ toolkit is steeped in the latest academic research and sound pedagogy.

Having passed the test for being truly tried and tested, Kalamna received support from the Cambridge University Arts & Humanities Impact Fund to further develop the toolkit and reach more young Arabic language learners.

Kalamna Phonics™ bundles

Level 1 bundle

Introduce, practice and learn to read and write 17 sounds all common between Standard and Spoken Arabic like ب ت ن ر

Level 2 bundle

Introduce, practice and learn to read and write short vowels and their diacritics (fatha, kasra, damma)

Level 3 bundle

Introduce, practice and learn to read and write 5 more complex sounds still common between Standard and Spoken Arabic

Level 4 bundle

Introduce practice and learn to read and write 4 sounds that differ between Standard and Spoken or are not part of the 28-letter alphabet like ق ة

Level 5 bundle

Introduce, practice and learn to read and write the 13 most complex sounds like ء ى اً

All-in-one bundle

The full Kalamna Phonics toolkit covering all five levels and consisting of over 400 flashcards and 10 levelled readers

User Guide

How to use the Kalamna Phonics™ flashcards

1- Start with the pictures. Ask the child to name the object in the picture to make sure he knows the word for it.

2- Present the sounds as a spoken sound and not with the name of the letter. For example, the letter “و” is presented as “wwww”, not “waw”.

3- Introduce the words using the picture and word card, then ask the child to read it through blending the sounds for each letter in that word.

4- To make sure that the child can read the word, present them with the flashcard with the word only.

5- Repeat the steps to make sure he can read without a picture.

6- At the end of each level, have the child practice writing the letters and then the words.

Note: the first level begins with sounds familiar to the child; the fifth level includes the hamza “ء” and the letters that are the most difficult to pronounce.

كيف تستخدم هذه البطاقات؟

1- إبدأ بالصور. إسأل الطفل عمَّا في الصورة لتتأكد من معرفَته بما فيها.

2- قدم الأصوات كصوت منطوق وليس باسم الحرف، فمثلاً حرف الواو نقول للطفل “ووو” ولا نقول “واو” وهكذا.

3- قدم الكلمات باستخدام بطاقة الصورة/الكلمة مع نطق الكلمة، ثم اطلب من الطفل دمج الأصوات المطابقة لكل حرف.

4- للتأكد من تمكن الطفل من قراءة الكلمة، قدم له بطاقة الكلمة بدون الصورة ليقرأها.

5- كرر الخطوات للتأكد من قدرته على القراءة بدون الصورة.

6- بعد الانتهاء من كل مستوى، درِّب الطفل على كتابة الحروف ثم الكلمات.

ملحوظة: المستوى الأول يبدأ بالأصوات المألوفة للطفل كما أن المستوى الخامس يشمل الهمزة وبعض الحروف الأصعب نطقاً.


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